Friday, September 4, 2020
Reading Report Essay Example for Free
Perusing Report Essay Medicinal phonics instructs understudies to separate words into phonemes or discourse sounds, the littlest units of communicated in language. Understudies must figure out how to perceive phonemes and their relating letter mixes to where it gets programmed. This requires a ton of drill and practice in two ways: sound-related to visual, and visual to sound-related. In sound-related drills, understudies may tune in to the phoneme and record the comparing letter. In visual drills, they may work on perceiving letters and sounding them out. Instructing understudies to perceive and utilize various sorts of syllable is another critical component in a medicinal phonics program. A key expertise in figuring out how to peruse is isolating longer words into syllables. When understudies have aced the fundamental phonemes, they are prepared for a further developed investigation of morphology, which separates words into their littlest units of significance. These units, called morphemes incorporate joins, base words and roots. Sentence structure (formal syntax) and perusing perception methodologies are likewise educated. Customary study hall instructing will in general underscore sound-related and visual learning, yet doesn't give understudies a lot of chance to utilize contact or development in procuring new data and abilities. Therapeutic phonics guidance must use each of the three learning pathways simultaneouslyauditory, visual and sensation material. READER’S LOGIC: Intensive phonics guidance is generally viewed as the best medicinal methodology for understudies who experience issues figuring out how to peruse and spell. This is particularly valid for insightful kids who are less delicate to the discourse sounds that make up words, or who may experience issues with visual preparing. There are no handy solutions, yet with the correct guidance these understudies can figure out how to peruse and compose just as anyone. Basic Reading Help: Reading Aloud to your third and fourth Graders AUTHOR’S LOGIC: Reading is an essential concentration and gets a ton of consideration in class, however there isnt enough time in the school day to strengthen all the abilities your youngster is relied upon to ace. Grade school understudies profit by any outside assist they with canning get the chance to assist them with acing the essentials of perusing. Guardians can help by perusing so anyone might hear with their understudies. Perusing resoundingly urges understudies to work on perusing abilities like clear articulation. It can permit guardians to screen their third and fourth graders perusing. The best part is that perusing so anyone might hear can help unite your family. Numerous families make some hard memories creating, and adhering to, an understanding timetable. In any case, the meetings dont should be long. You can incorporate it with the sleep time custom. Its an extraordinary time for you and your understudy to bond and unwind before resting toward the finish of a furious day. On the off chance that you have more than one youngster, have a go at perusing with every kid independently. This allows youngsters to peruse at their own pace and capacity and makes a unique time for simply you two. Guardians can make a perusing custom from the get-go in a childs life. Truth be told, inside the initial not many long periods of life, a newborn child can watch pictures and tune in to your voice as you read. You can support your child or little child with word acknowledgment by pointing at an article as you state the items name. Have your kid track with the words utilizing their pointer finger. By perusing together, you can choose works that are somewhat past their present perusing aptitude level. Helping your kid with words and ideas they dont comprehend will fabricate their jargon. Its an extraordinary method to cultivate development without the weight of assignments that accompanies school exercises, which can be disheartening. Letting your youngster read something they like is the most ideal approach to assist them with seeing the benefit of figuring out how to peruse. Subsequent to completing your perusing, make a point to leave plentiful opportunity to examine the story a while later. This will assist you with deciding whether your grade school understudy is understanding the tales and reinforcing their understanding aptitudes. Pose inquiries during the perusing so you can rehash any pieces of the story your youngster has missed. Let your youngster test you too. This will keep the person in question engaged with the story. READER’S LOGIC: One of the best things a family can do to elevate perusing is to peruse books to one another, so anyone might hear. Peruse on to figure out how to begin a family perusing program that will be useful to your grade school understudy. Making the Home a Reading-accommodating Place AUTOR’S LOGIC: One of the most significant things a parent can do to make well disposed learning condition is to guarantee their youngsters approach the entirety of the fundamental materials. Guardians should stock paper, pencils, pens, colored pencils, and markers in a zone their kid approaches. Moreover, ensure there is where your kid is happy with drawing and composing. Letter set and word magnets can help cultivate imagination in youngsters. The magnets permit kids to gain proficiency with their letter set, explain words and compose sentences. An assortment old enough proper books is additionally significant in making a perusing amicable family. Guardians should expect to open their kids to various composing styles and assets. For instance, a parent of a little kid ought to have at any rate one letters in order book, a few rhyme books, picture books, and books of short stories. Each sort of book will enable your kid to build up the abilities the individual in question needs to turn into a balanced peruser and gives your kid the opportunity and chance to investigate perusing on their own. You and your kid can extend perusing alternatives by visiting your neighborhood library or book shops normally. Take your kid when you go to the library and book shop to uncover the person in question to the entirety of the perusing prospects that are accessible to offspring of their age. Providing a kid with perusing and composing supplies isn't sufficient without anyone else. Guardians should peruse with their kids at home. It is suggested that guardians read with their youngster a few times each week. Perusing together will urge your kid to investigate this ability all alone. Also, it is the guardians chance to show essential understanding aptitudes. Begin perusing to your kid as quickly as time permits, in any event, when they are still babies. This will assist you with building up the propensity and aptitude of perusing resoundingly. Perusing to a child and baby will likewise assist them with word acknowledgment and jargon. Guardians are likewise urged to assist kids with learning the letter set and how to appropriately compose the letters of the letter set. Growing a childs jargon and verbal relational abilities will urge them to improve perusing. Attempt to show your kid a few new words every week and tell that person the best way to utilize them in a sentence. Guardians ought to likewise urge their children to discuss their day and different encounters like gatherings and field trips. Doing this will enable a youngster to figure out how to pass on musings and how a story is designed. Perusing your own books, magazines and papers additionally assists with making a perusing amicable family. This is on the grounds that you are setting an astounding model for your kids. Youths frequently duplicate their folks activities, so perusing on your leisure time will urge them to do this activity also. Youngsters will neglect to esteem perusing if their folks never set aside the effort to peruse! READER’S LOGIC: Parents ought to endeavor to make a sustaining family unit. One part of a supporting domain is making the home a situation that invites perusing. Peruse on to get familiar with making your home a perusing inviting spot. All together for a youngster to exceed expectations at school, the person in question must be presented to pre-perusing and perusing abilities in their home. Numerous guardians are uncertain precisely what kind of exercises to actualize so as to make a perusing well disposed house condition. Working with your Child to Develop Stronger Math Skills AUTHOR’S LOGIC: Be certain your young student has a dominance of making the numerals recorded as a hard copy. Its a different ability. A few kids can check and even include huge numbers in their mind or with props from a youthful age, yet experience issues with regards to working it out on paper. Games are an incredible method to construct understanding. In school math can be simply one more subject. Building a conspicuous connection between school work and dailyâ life is critical to training. You can get prepackaged games, PC games, web based games, or you can simply make including or grouping games up as you ride along in your vehicle. Discover math in the kitchen, in the nursery, in the play room. Number games make checking and working with numbers a great piece of life rather than an overwhelming required subject. Understanding spatial connections is a regularly thought little of yet basic ability. Simply making a letter fit on the line includes the capacity to gauge and work with space. Estimating furniture, floor space, the good ways from the room to the restroom are generally extraordinary activities. You can work with inches and feet, and convert from one to the next. In time youll have the option to investigate the decimal standard and start estimating volume. This will help give your youngster a feeling of how things fit together and how to function with the numbers that portray those connections. The math kids use in school is only a proper use of a wide range of day by day encounters. At the point when a youngster makes that acknowledgment, a light will go on and damnation become inquisitive. At the point when interest sets in, learning gets fun. When learning becomes fun theres no halting it! A kid who battles with math at school doesnt need consistent boring of explicit issues. He needs changed encounters that permit him to work with numbers in a hands on way. At the point when he has the ideas woven into his viewpoint, damnation be better prepared to deal with the conventional number juggling he experiences in the homeroom. READER’S LOGIC: Math abilities create from consistently educational encounters well before they are formalized in the study hall. From composing the numerals accurately to getting a handle on fundamental math realities, you can enable your kid to create math aptitudes as per their natur
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Quebec Essays - French Quebecers, Lucien Bouchard, Free Essays
Quebec Essays - French Quebecers, Lucien Bouchard, Free Essays Quebec Maine doesn't see Quebec sway as a danger ROCKPORT, Me. - Premier Lucien Bouchard got the message he needed Thursday from two American lawmakers: Quebec's future is an interior issue and financial ties would be kept with their state in the event that it leaves Canada. The eventual fate of Quebec is basically a Canadian issue, Maine Senator Angus King said at a news gathering with Bouchard in Rockport, a network on the Atlantic Ocean. It's not our place to remain uninvolved and recommend what the arrangement ought to be, King included. Bouchard was on a one-day voyage through Maine to go to a business improvement gathering to advance exchange between the two battling economies. Ruler, whose aphorism is Fare or kick the bucket' said giving individuals something to do is his need. Occupations is truly what it's everything about. Imprint Lawrence, leader of the state's Senate, said Maine would keep monetary binds with an autonomous Quebec. We have a solid history with Quebec and whatever type of government Quebec picks, we expect to keep up a solid relationship with Quebec, Lawrence said. Bouchard couldn't deviate, including that the main guideline of discretion is to avoid your neighbor's political issues. No nation might want to see different nations engage in their inward business, the chief said. Bouchard didn't avoid the power issue. He had a go at maintaining a strategic distance from the issue last time he was in New England, saying it escaped his attention. He visited Boston last June and said inquiries regarding Quebec casting a ballot to leave Canada hadn't been raised. Be that as it may, Bouchard still liked to harp on the monetary parts of the Maine trip, saying it's significant for the state and the territory to reinforce their monetary ties. Exchange between them is worth about $207 million US yearly. They intend to build the travel industry and innovation and potentially assign a legacy roadway among Quebec and Maine. Bouchard said he trusts the excursion supports Quebec's universal picture and doesn't hurt its notoriety. Ruler and Lawrence hyped Maine's solid French social legacy. Around 30 percent of the state's populace of more than one million have French roots. They left Quebec at the turn of the century to work in New England's material factories. Maine, one of Quebec's nearest U.S. neighbors, is additionally a well known vacationer goal in the late spring for Quebecers. Bouchard, who likes to visit Maine in the late spring with his family, has started up a relationship with King dependent on their energy for Thomas Jefferson, a dad of the U.S. Presentation of Freedom. Ruler gave Bouchard a picture of Jefferson. Thus, Bouchard gave King a book by Jefferson about the issues with obligation, something Bouchard said his adversaries in Quebec state I'm fixated about. Ruler, who didn't appear to be astounded to get the book, said the trade of Jefferson-related endowments was a happenstance. We didn't design this, he snickered.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Effective Grad School Recommendation Letters
Viable Grad School Recommendation Letters Youve been solicited to compose a letter from suggestion. No simple errand. What makes a proposal letter great? Compelling letters of proposal share these 8 qualities for all intents and purpose. 8 Simple Characteristics to Feature Clarifies how you know the understudy. What is the setting for your assessment? Was the understudy in your group, an advisee, an examination assistant?Evaluates the understudy inside your subject matter. Inside the setting where you know the understudy, how did the person perform? How successful is an examination assistant?Evaluates the understudies scholastic limit. This is simple if the understudy was in your group. Imagine a scenario where the understudy isn't. You can allude to their transcript, however truth be told, quickly as the board of trustees will have a duplicate. Dont squander space discussing the target material they as of now have. Discussion about your involvement in the understudy. On the off chance that an examination right hand, you ought to have some grip on their scholastic ability. On the off chance that an advisee, allude quickly to your conversations and give clear models that show scholastic potential. In the event that you have little as scholastic contact with the understudy, at that point offer a wide evaluative expression and use proof from another territory to help. For instance, I expect Stu Dent to be a fastidious understudy, as he keeps cautious and exact records as the Biology Club Treasurer. Assesses the understudies inspiration. Graduate examination involves more than scholarly aptitudes. Its a long stretch that takes a lot of perseverance.Evaluates the understudies development and mental capability. Is the understudy sufficiently adult to acknowledge the duty and deal with the inescapable reactions and even disappointments that will go with graduate study?Discusses the understudies qualities. What are their best qualities? Give guides to illustrate.Its nitty gritty. One of the most significant things you can do in improving the adequacy f your letter is to make it as itemized as could be expected under the circumstances. Dont simply educate them concerning the understudy, show them. Dont simply state that the understudy can comprehend complex themes or cooperate with other people, give nitty gritty models that show your point.Its fair. Recall that in spite of the fact that you need the understudy to get into graduate school, it is your name that is on the line. In the event that the understudy truly isnt a solid match for graduate examination and you suggest him at any rate, the personnel at that school possibly could recollect and later on pay attention to your letters less. All things considered, a decent letter is profoundly positive and point by point. Recollect that an impartial letter won't help your understudy. Proposal letters, when all is said in done, are certain. Thus, unbiased letters are seen as negative letters. On the off chance that you cannot compose a sparkling letter of proposal, at that point the most legitimate thing that you can accomplish for your understudy is to let him know or her and decrease their solicitation to compose a letter.
The US senator - selection and role Research Paper
The US congressperson - choice and job - Research Paper Example The US Senate is known as the Upper House of the United States Congress. Each State has two congresspersons regardless of its topographical region or populace. The US Senate chamber is situated in the north wing of the Capitol, Washington. The Senate appreciates a ton of broadly significant forces; with respect to endorsement of settlements, bureau secretaries, military officials and government judges and numerous more.Elections to the Senate are led on the Tuesday following the primary Monday in November in even-numbered years. Each condition of the US is spoken to by two legislators. Prior to 1913, legislators were chosen by the governing bodies of each state. Be that as it may, after the seventeenth Amendment, well known political decision was made obligatory. The person who wins the most elevated number of votes is viewed as the victor. Prior to the seventeenth Amendment, Article 1, Section 3 of the Constitution permitted each state to choose two congresspersons. It appears that the motivation behind the enactment creators was to empower the congresspersons to work liberated from any weight the piece of open. Nonetheless, issues before long came up. For example, the contention among Democrats and Republican Party brought about empty representative seat in Indiana for a long time. This was trailed by innumerous instances of pay off and different unlawfulness. It was in 1911 that Senator Joseph Bristow recommended a correction of the constitution that won colossal help. Thus, the seventeenth amendment took birth which begins â€Å"The Senate of the United States will be made out of two Senators fro each State, chose by the individuals thereof, for six years†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ... Nonetheless, this conclusion appears to be unjustifiable as most prominently chose representatives would have been chosen as congresspersons even with no change. So the suspicion that the seventeenth amendment had any impact on the government power appears to be unmerited. Once more, the suspicion that state consistently contradicts the government power is outlandish. Indeed, states are consistently on the run for increasingly government allows and are consistently subject to it. Notwithstanding, surely there are not kidding set backs of this revision. Fundamental capabilities required to turn into a Senator There are three essential prerequisites set forward by Article 1, Section 3 of the Constitution. Right off the bat, the congressperson ought to be matured 30 years or more and also, the individual ought to be a resident of the United States for as far back as nine years and thirdly, ought to be by and by dwelling in the state the person needs to challenge in. The fourteenth Amend ment to the Constitution acquaints arrangement with evacuate any representative who has acted against the State. Term of Service and advantages Each representative will serve for a stunned six years term. Be that as it may, the legislators are separated into three classes in the senate and the administration of one class terminates after at regular intervals. In this way, the political decision to 33% of the positions comes like clockwork. Every representative appreciates a great deal of advantages beginning from a yearly pay of $ 174,000. What's more, they get retirement and medical advantages on retirement which are like other government representatives. The Senators speaking to state demeanor The state division in the US is exceptionally essential in the national governmental issues. In such a tremendous nation, it appears to be a unimaginable recommendation to separate the national information and discover state-wise examples. Thus, giving the states equivalent portrayal in the Senate through their congresspersons is
Friday, August 21, 2020
Christian Faith In A Postmodern Context Theology Religion Essay
Christian Faith In A Postmodern Context Theology Religion Essay The book composed by Lieven Boeve, Interrupting Tradition: An Essay on Christian Faith in a Postmodern Context bargains about his argumentations on the new setting that moves Christian convention to recontextualise itself. The way that the Catholic Church and the Catholic confidence offers significance to life and presence confronting the new reality as of late wherein the transmission of the Christian custom is a battle in an enormous piece of Western Europe especially in Flanders. Boeve separated the book into three sections contain three to four parts each. The initial segment manages explaining the circumstance wherein the Christian custom gets itself. Section two shows an extreme showdown between the Christian confidence and advancement, and section three gives an authentic line of thought to the current day and offer an examination of the issue of central life choices (postmodern setting). In the initial three sections, Boeve disk custom and its improvement from current and postmodern setting. Custom, which characterizes as conviction, went down in a general public that can by and by be experienced. In Christian convention, it is obvious that these convictions show a significant job in the very establishments of Christianity. The simple reality that fact has history driven the scholars on the possibility of the improvement of convention. Subsequently, it is in reality essential by the progression of time that each move in setting involves a test to the Christian custom to reformulate itself in exchange in present setting. This is done through a procedure of recontextualisation where it shows a reality that convention is experiencing a procedure of advancement. In accordance with this piece of the book shows convention saw in the cutting edge setting that has something to do with social modernisation process where secularization to which strict custom lost its essential job as hotspot for human qualities, and the speculation of qualities presents that regard in worth and truth was just practical just in private field. On the others hand, these advancement prompts another point of view which is the modernitys ace stories where human want of progress in his own specific manner. In the postmodern setting, it sees convention with a complete end. This happened on account of the essential issues confronting it individualisation and pluralisation. Boeve in this piece of the book shows not so much the finish of the custom yet rather it shows a more extensive point of view, that an individual ought to have an individual reflexive choice that must be knowledgeable about confidence however it lies consistently the truth of picking since this stay a ch oice. To a limited extent two, confidence in the postmodern setting prompts a correlation between an open and shut story, which shows a more clear view, all the more critically with the significance of the open account which provides a satisfactory open door for a recontextualisation of the Christian story in our postmodern setting. From these, Boeve shows way that leads shut account towards an open story and experience the cutting edge understanding of greatness. Boeve, at long last handles in the last piece of the book about the establishment of an open Christian story. This arrangements with the recontextualisation of Christian account in the real setting. It appears here in offering reason to a Christian story. This reason appeared by the creator is finished by God who unquestionably uncovered Godself in a particular human individual which is Jesus. It additionally expressed in this part about the negative religious philosophy. It is the creators aim that through this negative philosophy, may see the interference of Christian stories by God that the God who is boundless, covered up missing despite everything can be uncovered. Furthermore, Christianity Interrupted by the world religions, Boeve pictures various illustrations as a method of clarifying Christianity hindered by the world religions. In the current day circumstance, we may incorporate ourselves having various stories on the grounds that considering scanning for truth, we are connecting on a similar truth of being visually impaired or having alternate point of view majority. It can likewise resemble the story of the ring, which demonstrates and attempts to uncover who is the best among religions and who had a definitive hold to reality, however in accordance with the understanding, nobody can guarantee as the best holder of reality. Last judgment is conceded until God comes. At the last piece of the book, which is the epilog, Boeve finish up with a reflection on the situation of the Christian in the contemporary world. It is plainly expressed here that confidence is not, at this point a socio-basic choice yet it is an authentic confidence alternative as an unequivocal decision for the Christian account to manufacture human system for a specific story. Confidence as a confidence alternative infers a strictly spurred basic cognizance. Finally, the substance of the confidence at long last under the weights of innovation, one may pick up only uselessness. In any case, Boeve shows still a positive result behind this circumstance that one may misdirected however soon he will locate the correct heading. Intruding on Tradition successfully shows the circumstance of Christian confidence in the postmodern setting by giving a point of view about the present circumstance of the convention. This is the truth in that provokes convention to be recontextualised itself. The writer accomplished his objective by giving this book a title that is important and truly interferes with convention. In like manner, it likewise interferes with the peruser by demonstrating contentions and realities of the truth looking by custom. This book presents another comprehension in the piece of the peruser that in the long run influences his own point of view and to know about the Christian convention confronting a situation. It additionally gives material that can lead an individual to reevaluate what he accepts. By and by, despite the fact that this is the truth, each peruser of this book must increase enough mental fortitude to participate in a discourse and go to praxis. In addition, in the wake of perusing this book we end loaded with trust with solidarity to confront the new tomorrow and saying thanks to God for giving us our own convention as a wellspring of establishment of our Christianity. We are in the murkiness yet before long locate the light. As what is ex pressed in the last piece of the epilog (p. 183), Perhaps such an open idea might be contrasted and a compass that, any place one might be on the planet, consistently focuses north and in this way encourages one finding the correct bearing to follow.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Sexual and Aggressive Obsessions in OCD
Sexual and Aggressive Obsessions in OCD OCD Living With OCD Print Sexual and Aggressive Obsessions in OCD By Owen Kelly, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 04, 2020 Kittisak Jirasittichai / Getty Images More in OCD Living With OCD Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Types Related Conditions Sexual and aggressive obsessions, such as molesting children, sexually assaulting strangers, or harming your children or partner, are among the most distressing forms of OCD obsessions. People experiencing these obsessions are often terrified to disclose them to health care providersâ€"even trusted therapists or physiciansâ€"for fear of being diagnosed as psychotic and/or being abandoned by loved ones. And in some cases, the healthcare provider may be legally required to report your disclosure. What Are OCD Obsessions? By definition, OCD obsessions are unwanted, intrusive, distressing thoughts that the affected person works very hard to push away, suppress or avoid. Much research has demonstrated that the content of obsessions often relates to the very things that the person finds to be the most repugnant. Thus, while a true pedophile, rapist, or sadist would become excited and aroused when fantasizing about (or worse, carrying out) the behaviors outlined above, someone with OCD who experiences aggressive or sexual obsessions would be mortified by such thoughts and, as a result, work very hard to suppress or push them away. They may even engage in rituals such as counting, washing, or prayers to “neutralize†such thoughts. OCD and Thought-Action Fusion One mental glitch that can complicate everything for someone with OCD, and especially someone who is grappling with such thoughts, is something called thought-action fusion. Thought action fusion causes many people with OCD to equate the occurrence of thought with actually having carried out the behavior contained in the thought. Some struggling with this may also believe that the presence of a distressing thought makes it more likely for them to engage in that particular behavior. In reality, however, around 90 percent of the population reports having identical thoughts to those with OCD. As such, the simple presence of a thought is not nearly enough to label someone as a “good†or “bad†person. Moreover, there is absolutely no evidence that simply having a thought pop into one’s mind makes it more likely that they will carry out the associated activity. In fact, in the case of people with OCD, it is usually the opposite that occurs, mostly because they are so vigilant against such behavior. Seeking Help for OCD Symptoms Finally, it may be helpful to keep in mind that the vast majority of mental health care providers are highly trained professionals. They are trained to be attuned to nuances in symptoms and understand the nature and underlying cause of seemingly bizarre symptoms. Your therapist or physician will be in the best position to help you with your symptoms if they are aware of the full range of obsessive thoughts you are experiencing. A problem cannot be dealt with if it is not acknowledged. So if you are experiencing recurring thoughts that are sexual or aggressive in nature, please be open about them. This openness will give you the best chance of working through them.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
How will Technology Change Our Lives in Twenty Years - 550 Words
How will Technology Change Our Lives in Twenty Years? (Essay Sample) Content: NameInstructorCourseDateHow will Technology Change Our Lives in Twenty Years?IntroductionThe world has changed at an unprecedented pace impacting human lives in multiple ways.The advancement of disruptive technologies has led to extensive and fundamental transformations in education, economy, healthcare, which underpin the social well-being of people. Notable technological revolutions include the use of autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, robots, drones, and quantum computing that will shape the future of humans (Qureshi 4). Research indicates that the above technologies will impact how people live, think, and behave in the next two decades. This study examines how technology will change peoples lives in twenty years.Technology will boost economic development through enhanced global connectedness. The emergence of autonomous vehicles (AVs), which operate on the ground, air, and sea presents a significant opportunity for economic prowess. Researchers estimate more than t wo million automotive Machine-to-Machine (M2M) connections by 2040 (Qureshi 7). Such technological advancements will leverage development in sectors such as transport, tourism, trade, and employment. For example, Qureshi observes that the use of drones to deliver products marks a significant development, which bridges the gap between producers, manufacturers, and consumers (8). Also, as robotic technology becomes commonplace in production and distribution segments, the future of business remains brilliant (John 181).It is worth noting that the significant ramifications of increased connectedness include improved productivity and incomes, which imply enhanced living standards.The wake of internet technology will revolutionize education and learning. The proliferation of massive open online courses (MOOCs) will transform education systems as more people subscribe and participate in virtual learning environments (Qureshi 13). In the next twenty years, traditional teaching methods will be irrelevant as learners use personal computers and tablets to access open courses on online bespoke platforms (Timmis and Patricia 458).Growing access to the internet throughout the world will ensure more students can participate in MOOCs, which offer free and open education (John 182). The MOOCs technology is already in use in the United States, as companies such as Cousera, Udacity, and FutureLearn spearhead it. Online learning platforms are likely to increase in the coming decades. Timmis and Patricia note that as more tech-savvy devices and many interactive online platforms evolve, the MOOCs will influence future education systems across the globe(460).Technology will shape the future of healthcare. Research indicates that the use of paper medical records (PMR) contributes to medical errors that result in morbidity and mortality. The growth of electronic healthcare records (EHRs) and other technologies in medicine can improve healthcare outcomes and promote a healthy well-bei ng of humans. Also, people will design technology-driven equipment to protect and rescue people during disasters, breakouts, and emergencies (Timmis and Patricia 468). For instance, a growing research on the application of graphene in healthcare is ongoing. The success of its applicability in designing and manufacturing ultra-light and resistant materials could replace the use of steel in making healthcare equipmen...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay on Teaching Morals in Public Schools - 1128 Words
A fellow citizen is irked by the kids who tramp down the grass as they cut across the lawn of her familys new home. She gets even more steamed when she fears chastising those teenage trespassers, because trouble may ensue. She also fumes over a kid punching loaves of bread in the supermarket and over his mother spewing expletives when a stranger suggests he stop (Healy). Something has gone very wrong to cause such a poor appearance in the character of todays youth. Teaching morals in public school could only result in the betterment of our society. American public schools started walking away from their moral educators about a generation ago, around the 1960s. They feared possibilities of being accused of imposing religion or†¦show more content†¦They respected adults and acknowledged the rules, though they might not always follow them (Smith). Philosophies and behaviors deteriorated in the 1960s, and havent improved since. The words of the National Defense Education Act induced this change. International competition was to be waged in terms of brainpower and technical expertise. In the schools, this meant an emphasis on cognitive development and intellectual achievement. The old content of the curriculum was stripped of moral justifications, and the separation between the public and private realms that became common currency in American society was obviously increasing. In this division the discussion of religion and morals was termed personal and relegated to the private realm (Grant). Some problems are present in reference to the current situation between public schools and teaching morals. There is so much fear in society that religion will be forced on students, that the teaching of morals to students in public schools is practically forbidden. However, in his introduction to the Book of Virtues , William Bennett writes that moral education involves explicit instruction, exhortation, and training. Moral education must provide training in good habits (Herbert). Most liberals have tended to dismiss the call for moral education as a reiteration of nineteenth-century morality, complete with appeals forShow MoreRelated Teaching Morals and Ethics in Public Schools Essay903 Words  | 4 PagesTeaching Morals and Ethics in Public Schools The question of whether or not schools should teach ethics and morals is misleading, because ethics and morals are two different things. Websters Dictionary defines ethics as a particular system of principles and rules concerning duty, whether true or false, and morals as motivation based on ideas of right and wrong. As I take it, ethics implies a set of basic rules to abide by, whereas morals strictly set down what to believe, and what not toRead MoreEssay on Teaching Morals and Ethics in Public Schools1108 Words  | 5 PagesTeaching Morals and Ethics in Public Schools I find myself disagreeing with Kozol and his statement that schools should be an institution where morals can be taught and developed. It is my belief that schools should not be held responsible for instilling morals and ethics into the minds of Americas children. Of course, it is true that schools should instill and reinforce morals that are part of our everyday existence. Those of the Golden Rule, as well as the wrongs of death and destructionRead MoreThe Teacher As Role Models1659 Words  | 7 PagesAs an educator you get faced with the task everyday whether or not it is your responsibility to teach moral values and to develop good character traits in students in your classroom. What people do not realize is that teaching is much more than just the information in the textbooks and for that reason, I do believe that it is the educator’s job to teach moral values and to develop good character traits in students. As an educator, you have to be able to teach the whole studen t, you have to be willingRead MoreBible Study in Public Education Essay1019 Words  | 5 PagesIt has long been debated whether teaching the Bible in public education would improve our educational system or just help the Christians enlist more members into their religion. Since 1962, the Supreme Court has continued to uphold the ban on all religious practices in public education, including teaching the Bible in classrooms. There are some who believe that this removal of a moral education has lead to a deterioration of the behavior among our students, while others use the protection of theRead MoreEssay on Public Schools Should Teach Morals and Ethics700 Words  | 3 PagesPublic Schools Should Teach Morals and Ethics Jonathon Kozol writes, Public schools in the U.S. do not exist to educate an ethical human being†¦Schools do exist to educate defeated, unprovocative, well-balanced human beings†¦. This statement is certainly true, but should public schools be required to teach students ethics and morality? I would argue that an education devoid of ethics and morals is detrimental to our society. Scholar Joao Coutinho writes in the Harvard Educational Review, EducationRead MoreTeaching Education During The Nineteenth Century944 Words  | 4 Pagesabsence from school suggested in the letters written is common amongst children in rural areas, the experience of the Brown children (as children from an upper class) was significantly different from that of working class children who were often required to work on the family farms or businesses. While attendance was often irregular, because of the conditions discussed above, students were expected to attend their designated school. One letter w ritten by an official from the Department of Public InstructionRead MoreEssay on Teaching Our Children Common Courtesy and Etiquette556 Words  | 3 Pagesteachers already have their hands full with America’s failing education system, teaching etiquette may be very beneficial. Moreover, parents no longer instruct their children on common courtesy, perhaps because they have not learned it themselves, which hinders an entire generation from their full potential for success. As stated by Edward Owens, â€Å"civility is a language of sorts, its better learned young†. Schools are children’s second home. These days with both parents working, and grandparentsRead MoreA Code Of Ethics For Teachers1334 Words  | 6 PagesPrior to and During Student Teaching Aliesha R. Phillips The University of Southern Mississippi Ethics falls under a broad definition that can be defined in many ways: â€Å"The term ethics is defined as the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation; 2a) a set of moral principles; 2b) the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group 2c) a guiding philosophy; 2d) a consciousness of moral importance; 3) a set of moral issues or aspects†(Merriam-WebsterRead MoreTeaching Values And Moral Values880 Words  | 4 PagesTeaching values is important. Values allow children to make ethical decisions, they teach them personal responsibility, and values promote moral integrity. Honesty, respect, responsibility, and love are just a few of the important values children should be taught. These values shape them into well-rounded individuals and help point the way of thinking and acting appropriately. Values define an individual’s behavior, ethical or unethical, and that’s why teaching children values is important. EthicalRead More Separation of Church and State Essay examples988 Words  | 4 Pagesthe struggle between church and state is also present. Teaching religion in the public school system is wrong and biased. It would be impossible to incorporate the religious beliefs of all students into one curriculum and segregating students into religiously based curriculum groups would be unjust and discriminatory. Furthermore, the public schools are teaching our children to be accepting of all belief systems, not just Christian teachings: â€Å"What the federal courts have done since
Monday, May 18, 2020
Words to Use Instead of Said
Its common to use the verb say over and over again when writing dialogue. Not only is he said she said repetitive, but its also not very descriptive. To better describe the feelings behind the reported speech and other statements in narrative writing, its important to use vocal verbs and adverbs. Vocal verbs and adverbs help provide motivation behind statements, questions, and replies and convey important information to readers. Each vocal verb and vocal adverb has a short description of typical usage, as well as an example statement illustrating how to replace he said she said with something much more descriptive. Vocal Verbs Vocal verbs provide information on the tone of the statement. For example, the vocal verb moan indicates that something is said in a complaining fashion in a low voice. These vocal verbs are grouped by a general indication of the type of statement made. Speaking Suddenly blurtexclaimgaspsnap Examples: Alison blurted out the answer.Jack gasped in reaction to the scene.I snapped a quick response to his question. Providing Advice or an Opinion advisearguecautionnoteobservewarn Examples: Pete cautioned the children to be careful.The teacher observed that the exercise was difficult.The driver warned his passengers about the noise. Being Loud exclaimbellowcallcryscreamshoutyell Examples: She shouted out the answer.The boys screamed as they dived into the cold water.The mother cried out in disdain when her son was accused of the crime. Complaining The following four vocal verbs are often used to describe someone complaining: groanmoanmumblemutter Examples: Jack mumbled his responses to the questions.He muttered so badly that they couldnt understand him.I moaned that I was hurt. Speaking with Authority or Command announceassertorder Examples: The teacher announced the exam at the end of the week.Jane asserted her rights as a voter.The police ordered the protesters away from the area. Vocal Adverbs Vocal verbs provide information on the manner in which the statement is made. Vocal adverbs are often used to provide additional information on the feeling that the speaker has when making a statement. For example, the vocal adverb joyfully indicates that something is said with great joy. For example, He joyfully exclaimed the news! indicates that the speaker is happy when making the statement. Compare this to He arrogantly exclaimed the news, which conveys very different information about the speaker. Common Vocal Adverbs admiringly: indicates respect for someoneExample:Alice admiringly noticed his clothes. angrily: indicates angerExample:She angrily denounced his crimes. casually: without much importanceExample:She casually conceded her mistake. cautiously: in a careful mannerExample:She cautiously mentioned the extra homework. cheerfully: indicates joy, happinessExample:Frank cheerfully agreed to do the job. decisively: indicates a belief in the statement madeExample:Ken decisively replied to the question. defiantly: indicates a challenge to somethingExample:Peter defiantly taunted his classmates. formally: proper, through official channelsExample:Josh formally complained to the personnel department. harshly: indicates critical judgmentExample:The teacher harshly scolded the children. meekly: indicates quietness, shynessExample:Jennifer meekly mumbled her apology. offensively: indicates rudenessExample:Alan offensively argued his point about schooling. sternly: indicates authorityExample:The teacher sternly stated that all reports were due on Friday. thankfully: indicates gratitudeExample:Jane thankfully accepted the job offer. wisely: indicates experience or intelligenceExample:Angela wisely commented on the situation.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Triple Point Definition and Example (Chemistry)
In chemistry and physics, the triple point is the temperature and pressure at which solid, liquid, and vapor phases of a particular substance coexist in equilibrium. It is a specific case of thermodynamic phase equilibrium. The term triple point was coined by James Thomson in 1873. Example The triple point for water is at 0.01 degree Celsius at 4.56 mm Hg. The triple point of water is a fixed quantity, used to define other triple point values and the kelvin unit of temperature. Note the triple point may include more than one solid phase if a specific substance has polymorphs.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Cold War By Alexander Zuyev - 1693 Words
There are not too many books that can describe acts of defiance in an oppressive society quite like Fulcrum: A Top Gun Pilot’s Escape from the Soviet Empire. Alexander Zuyev, with Malcolm McConnell, details what his life was like living the Soviet Union and serving in its armed forces during the Cold War. Published in 1992, Zuyev explains the difficult living conditions that would then cause him to steal a fighter jet in order to defect to the United States. With a unique perspective from within the Soviet Air Force, he explains how major events of the Cold War played out in the Soviet Union. With a clear purpose to inform readers of his life in the Cold War, Alexander Zuyev delivers a rich story that helps readers understand what kind of events would cause someone to make a daring escape like he did. I In Fulcrum, Alexander Zuyev details what his life was like from his childhood up until his defection from the Soviet Union. Born in 1961, Zuyev spent his childhood in the Russian town of Samara in a simple apartment with his mother and father. While his father moved out when he was young, Zuyev’s mother raised him under strict rules in order to keep his grades up in school. His mother was also a devout Communist who believed the government of the Soviet Union was advancing society in the right direction. However, Alexander Zuyev began to recognize problems in his society at a young age. For instance, one of his friends who lived in his town resided in a high class home and
Thomas Jefferson Did He Live up to His Beliefs Free Essays
Thomas Jefferson did not fully live up to his beliefs, to the extent of the Louis Ana purchase and the issue on slaves. Thomas Jefferson was a simple man, a feeder list, whose beliefs included strict construction of the constitution, and that all men are created equal. Despite the fact the Jefferson built schools in order to give the poor CEQ al rights, he went against his beliefs surrounding slavery. We will write a custom essay sample on Thomas Jefferson: Did He Live up to His Beliefs? or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Document 2, Jeffery on States â€Å"Black men are pests†. He is saying that Black people are incapable of being as successful as whites, which directly contradicts his beliefs. Also, after he realize De he wouldn’t be able to change the rules on slavery, he kept his slaves on his plant action. Document 4 suggests that â€Å"Jefferson slaves were his property’. Both Dotcom .NET 4 and 5 talk about Jefferson grant of freedom to seven slaves. It talks about a s lave which he had an affair with, and her children, who were all given freedom. He only granted freedom to very few slaves, which proves he did not live up to his bell ifs. The Louisiana purchase was directed by a loose construction of the constitution, c monetary to Jefferson beliefs. It says in Document 6, †Nowhere in the constitution could J offers find mention of the purchase of land from foreign powers. †Presidents do not have this right to purchase such lands, yet Jefferson thought it wasn’t beyond his rights given in the constitution. How to cite Thomas Jefferson: Did He Live up to His Beliefs?, Papers
Under the Lions Paw free essay sample
Under the Lion’s Paw Late in the nineteenth century and early in the twentieth, Americans would see a major turn in their literature. Writers would turn away from the popular style of romanticism and focus on the struggle many Americans went through in their lives. This stray from heroic characters and their illusory life is aided by three rising movements in literature. Regionalism, Realism and Naturalism transformed America’s literature by relating to average Americans and their surroundings. Under the Lion’s Paw, by Hamlin Garland is an exceptional example of literature from this time period through its style, characterization, and the literary movements within the story. In the story Under the Lion’s Paw by Hamlin Garland, many aspects portray it as typical of the time period, which was around 1891. One of the most pronounced qualities is the Regionalism the story was written with. Regionalism follows a basic rule of writing: write what you know. We will write a custom essay sample on Under the Lions Paw or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Garland approached writing in this method as well; as he believed who include the â€Å"local color†of the region best known to them personally, write better stories. In Under the Lion’s Paw, Regionalism establishes the story, as specific hardships that the characters lived through were popular to certain regions. Instead of focusing on just the drama of the characters, the story had a well-developed setting. Obviously set in a Midwestern state, Americans are able to closely relate to the hardships that were focused on this area. Garland also had a great knowledge of farm life and work, and as a result, the descriptions of the characters’ actions were entirely accurate. Dialect is also an important factor in the â€Å"local color†of an area, and the audience gets a definite understanding for the setting from the dialogue between characters. A movement in literature that is as prominent and related to Regionalism in the 1890’s is Realism. Under the Lion’s Paw indicates its time of publishing through its use of Realism, which was a new and popular idea of this time period. The stories characters epitomize Realism through their brutal struggle. The main characters; the Council’s and the Haskin’s were not celebrities or heroes, they were average Americans. Using Characters that were considered average the audience could relate to them which made the impact of their misery much stronger and personal. â€Å"-but they was days this week when I jes wanted to lay right down an’ die. †This quote truly paints a picture of the life of a struggling farmer and was written to shock the reader. The hardship of these â€Å"average†characters is treated as importantly as if they were powerful men and women, which is important to Realism. Naturalism is a literary movement popular to the time in which Under the Lion’s Paw was published. Naturalism basically focuses on characters who experience forces beyond their control. This is all too clear in Under the Lion’s Paw as the story begins with farmers working against the weather to plow their fields. The most clear naturalistic event is how the Haskins family got down on their luck; a cloud of grasshoppers demolished their farm. This event was an act of fate, something completely out of their control that they did not provoke, nor could prevent. Natural forces are not the only forces associated with Naturalism, as social forces beyond the character’s control also occur. The Haskins’ son was forced to work tirelessly at a young age and his father reflected â€Å"Yet Haskins loved his boy, and would have saved him from this if he could, but he could not. †Another societal force that affected the Haskins was Mr. Butler’s position. Mr. Haskin was going to murder Mr. Butler but because of his situation, he could not and he could not control Mr. Butler’s â€Å"laws†. Regionalism, Realism, and Naturalism are typical literary movements of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. Their presence in Under the Lion’s Paw by Hamlin Garland cause this story to be considered typical of this time period. The relations of Regionalism, the harshness of Realism, and the brutality of Naturalism morphed previous Romanticism into a writing style more typical to modern literature.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Comparison Steel Cement Industries Of India â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Comparison Steel Cement Industries Of India? Answer: Introducation This analysis entails assessment of an organization capacity to settle all its short-term financial needs (Sharma Sharma, 2014). The key ratios that are used in measuring Gelato Industries liquidity level include current and quick ratios. Current ratio This ratio is used in measuring an organizations capacity in repaying all its short-term debt obligations such as salaries payables and accounting payables (Sharma Sharma, 2014). Here, a higher current ratio shows higher liquidity status of an organization while a lower one shows less liquidity status. Based on the financial information of Gelato Industries, it is evident that its current ratio for the financial year 2014 was 63,125/34375 = 1.84. The ratio is very significant in measuring an organizations short term liquidity and in measuring an organizations capacity to settle its short-term debts using quick assets (Sharma Sharma, 2014). With these considerations, Gelato Industries quick ratio for the financial year 2014 was (63,125-36,250)/34375 = 0.78. On overall, based on the current and quick ratio for the year 2014, it is clear that Gelato was financially liquid in that its current assets and quick ratio were relatively higher indicating its capacity to settle its short-term debts. Capital Structure Analysis This analysis is used in assessing financial growth and health of an organization (Akhtar, 2014). The analysis helps in measuring how an organization finances its operations and growth through different sources of finances. This ratio shows financial leverage of an organization. It usually indicates percentage of total assets that is financed by total liabilities (Arnold, 2011). Here, a higher debt ratio is said to shows greater leverage and high financing risk. With these considerations, Gelato Industries debt ratio for the financial year 2014 was70,313/140,625= 0.50. Interest coverage This ratio helps in evaluating how easily a given firm could pay off its interest expenses. It is computed by dividing operating profit (EBIT) by its interest expenses (Arnold, 2011). In essence, interest coverage helps in measuring number of times an organization could settle its outstanding debts by using its net profit. With these considerations, Gelato Industries interest coverage for the financial year 2014 was18,000/5,719= 3.15 On overall, given the fact that Gelato Industries debt ratio was relatively low, below 1, it can be stated that the company leverage is low and there is also low financing risk. On the other hand, given that its interest coverage was relatively high it is clear that Gelato is able to finance its interest expenses. Profitability analysis This analysis shows or indicates how an organization generates profits (AlEid, 2015). In essence, profitability analysis entails utilization of profitability ratios such as operating profit margin, ROE, ROA and asset turnover in evaluating profitability of the organization. Operating profit margin This ratio emanates proportion of an organizations revenue that is remaining after deduction of variable costs (AlEid, 2015). Thus, high operating margin is usually desirable for an organization in enabling paying fixed expenses like interest on debts, vital portion in improving its leverage and in building trust in investors. As a result, Gelato Industries operating profit margin for the financial year 2014 was 18,000/112,500= 0.16 or 16% This financial ratio is crucial to investors since it help in measuring an organizations success to generate income or profit for the benefit of the common shareholders (AlEid, 2015). As a result, Gelato Industries ROE for the financial year 2014 was 18,000/70,312*100%= 25.60%. The ROA is usually important in measuring organizations management efficiency in utilizing its assets to generate income (AlEid, 2015). Basically, ROA is used in measuring efficiency of an organization in its assets management. With these considerations, Gelato Industries ROA for the financial year 2014 was 18,000/140,625*100%= 12.80%. On overall, it can be stated that Gelato was profitable enough given that it had high ROE, ROA and operating profit margin. Basically, with a high ROE and ROA, it is evident that Gelato management is effective enough in generating income from assets and from shareholders equity. Asset management efficiency This analysis is used in assessing how efficiency and effectively an organization is in managing assets to generate revenue (AlEid, 2015). The key ratios used in assessing Gelato Industries asset management efficiency are inventory turnover, fixed assets turnover, asset turnover and average collection turnover The ratios is used in measuring the number of times assets could be used in accomplishing total turnover and is calculated by subdividing total sales by its total assets (AlEid, 2015). As from, Gelato Industries financial statements, it is evident that the company asset turnover for the financial year 2014 was 112,500/140,625= 0.80; Fixed asset turnover This ratio is used in assessing number of times an entitys fixed assets are used in accomplishing turnover and is calculated by subdividing total sales with its fixed assets (Sanghani, 2014). In essence, fixed asset turnover is useful in measuring how efficiently an organization utilizes its fixed assets in generating revenue or sales. It helps in measuring efficiency of an organizations operations. From Gelato Industries financial statements, it is evident that the company fixed asset turnover for the financial year 2014 was 112,500/77,500= 1.45. Inventory turnover It is utilized in assessing how many times inventories are converted or sold. This is computed by dividing an organizations COGS with its total inventories (Sanghani, 2014). A high number means that there is risk of stock-out. Based Gelato Industries financial statements, it is evident that the company inventory turnover for the financial year 2014 was 112,500/36,250= 3.10. Average collection period This ratio is used in measuring number of days it would take for an organization to collect amount on credit from debtors. Here, lower number is more preferred than higher number since it implies that the firm is getting its cash more quickly (Sanghani, 2014). The ratio is computed by dividing number of days in a year by receivable turnover. From the financial statements provided, it is evident that Gelato Industries average collection period for the financial year 2014 was 365/(112,500/15,625)= 50.69 days. Based on the asset management efficiency analysis above, it is evident that Gelato is efficient in managing its assets to generate sales. To be more specific, it is evident that the company is efficient on how it manages its receivable collection and asset utilization. Gelato Industries priceearnings, EPS as well as its market-to-book ratios Earnings per share also referred to as EPS is the proportion of an organizations profit that is allocated to every share outstanding. It usually serves as the signal of an organizations profitability (Sanghani, 2014). This ratio is crucial in determining the stock value. It is usually computed by dividing net income or profit by number of outstanding shares. Thus, in this case, Gelato industries EPS for the year 2015 = net profit/share outstanding = 22,884/5000= 4.58. The Price-earnings ratio is a crucial financial ratio that is used in assessing an organization by measuring its present share price in relation to its EPS. With these considerations, price-earnings ratio for Gelato would be= price per share/EPS =15/4.58=3.28. The market-to-book value or the price to book value is the financial ratio used in assessing an organizations current market value in relation to its book value. It is used in measuring an organizations market price relative to book value (Arbidane, 2015). Basically, it shows how much equity different investors are paying for every dollar in the total assets. Here, market value is usually the present stock price of all the outstanding share whole book value is usually the amount that is left in case an organization is liquidated. In essence, book value is equivalent to net assets of an organization (AlEid, 2015).Thus, market to book value of Gelato Industries is equal to = price per share divided by the book value or BV per share. The book value per share =different between assets and liabilities divided by share outstanding= (195,000-119535)/5000=75,465/5000=15.093. Thus, given that the book value per share is equal to 15.093, the market to book value for the company would be; price /BV = 15/15.093= 0.99 Description of financial condition and performance of Gelato Industries Based on sections a, b and c As from the analysis on section a and b above, it is evident that Gelato is performing relatively well in terms of its assets management and its capital structure. In addition, it is also clear that Gelato is profitable enough due to its high operating profit margin. The high ROA and ROE is also a clear signal of the profitability of the company in terms of equity and asset utilization to generate income. It is also evident from Gelato liquidity analysis that the company was having easier time in settling its short-term debt commitments. By looking at section c above particularly on the EPS results, it is evident that Gelato Industries was profitable enough. This is evidence by relatively high EPS which shows that there is high profit allocated to outstanding shares. Further, given that the P/E ratio for Gelato for the financial year 2015 was relatively high at 3.28, it is evident that Gelato is financially healthy. In essence, the high P/E ratio is a clear indication that Gelato Industries expect to post higher returns growth in future. Furthermore, the observations on the section c on P/E ratios show that the stock is currently overpriced. Further, based on the calculations in section c above, it is evident that Gelato Industries stocks are undervalued. This is evidence by the fact that its market to book value for the financial year 2015 was below 1. Warren Buffet on Investment Summary about Warren Buffet Warren Buffetts advices on investment are timeless. One might loss tract on investment or might make several investment mistakes, but all of them fall under different investment tips provided by Warren. The worlds greatest investor for a long time has never been at any time shy on strategies that assisted or aided him accumulate the $72 billion and his growing company, Bershire Hathaway, into the juggernaut prized at more than $212 billion (YouTube, 2017). Nonetheless, Warren does not encourage average individual investors in trying to mimic his key success. Key Points That Warren Makes In Relation To Investment In his YouTube featuring interviews, a number of points that Warren makes in relations to investments. Some of these issues include advice on the worst investment one can make. In his commentary, the worst investment one can make is investing in cash over time. Basically, individuals always tend to keep sufficient cash so as to feel comfortable, but this is not necessarily because they like cash (YouTube, 2017). The second point is that to be a successful investor, one should focus on competition as well. In his commentary, Warren stated that in case one is determined in picking stocks, s/he should not venture in those businesses s/he does not understand. Thus, from his advices, it is good for one to take time to under a given business before making any investment move. Further, it is good while making any investment to have trust in oneself. One has to divorce himself from all greed and fears of individuals around them. This makes it easier for them to make better investments (YouTu be, 2017) References Akhtar, N. (2014). Impact of efficient management of working capital on profitability: chemical companies listed at the KSE.Pakistan Business Review, 333. AlEid, A. B. M. (2015).A Financial Statement Analysis on Three Major Construction Companies in the UAE (Arabtec Holding PJSC, Drake Scull PJSC and Emaar Properties PJSC)(Doctoral dissertation, The British University in Dubai (BUiD)). Arbidane, I. (2015). Management of current assets in the context of increasing the Enterprises Profitability. InProceedings of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference. Volume II(Vol. 27, p. 34). Arnold, T. (2011). Putting Ratios into a Firm Value Context for Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship Students.The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance,15(2), 23. Sanghani, D. A. (2014). The Effect of Liquidity on the Financial accounting Performance of Non-Financial Companies Listed At the Nairobi Securities Exchange.Unpublished MBA Project. Sharma, V., Sharma, R. (2014). Relationship between working capital management and profitability: A comparison of steel and cement industries of India.International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering,4(8), 211. YouTube. (2017). Warren Buffet Best Advice on Successful Investing: Retrieved at 19th September 2017 from; YouTube. (2017). Warren Buffet Financial Rules to Live By: Retrieved at 19th September 2017 from; YouTube. (2017). Warren Buffet on Why Hell Never Sell a Share of Coke Stock: Retrieved at 19th September 2017 from;
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Sikhism Essays (1499 words) - Punjab, Sikhism, Panentheism
Sikhism Sikhism is a Religion of uniqueness. It has beliefs from two other religions; Hinduism and Islam (Borak 53). This religion is very scarce in the United States. The main area for Sikhs is in the Northwest India (Borak 53). I had never heard of this religion before, so that is the main reason why I chose to study this religion. I have found it very interesting and different. The Sikhs have many unique qualities. Sikhism dates back to a long time ago. Making it more modern, it was introduced near the closing of the 15th Century (Borak 53). Guru Nanak Dev originated it, now making it a minority group. The Sikhs are found generally around northwest India, or Punjab, but can also be found anywhere in the world (Borak 53). Sikhism has a very rare formation. This religion is a mixture of two other religions, known as Hinduism and Islam. This joining together is known as syncretism (Hopfe 188). The Hindus and Islams began to mix and some thought of joining the two together. Not everyone agreed so they decided to make a new religion with practices from both religions while still keeping Hinduism and Islam separate religions (Borak 54). From the Hindus, the reincarnation of Jesus was put into practice for this newly accepted religion and also they kept "The True Name" sacred because He can do anything. One true God is used also as a practice, coming from the Islam beliefs (Hopfe 188). Its originality helps make this religion special in its own unique way. The Sikhs have many of their own beliefs but also the ones coming from Hinduism and Islam. The opening lines in their Holy Book, or Guru Granith Sahib, state "There is one supreme eternal reality; the truth; immanent in all things; creator of all things; immanent in creation. With out fear and without hatred; not subject to time; beyond birth and death; self revealing"(Philosophy). This statement summarizes their basic teachings, also adding equality to their beliefs (Hopfe 198). They believe every human is of the same sex even though chastity is not allowed. Women are equal to all men. Sikhs do not believe in burning women, women wearing veils, or marriages to widows. There is no separation by creed, color, race, or sex (Philosophy). All people are equal. Sikhs believe to worship in temples known as Gurdwaras, also meaning Gateway to the Guru. Daily attachment to God helps you become closer to Him, believes Narm Marg (Philosophy). Also, faith grows within the community while worshipping at the Gurdwaras.(Richards, 198) Serving others is their center of worship (Richards 198). Among the Sikhs are three other religions, The Udasis, Sahajdharis, and the Singhs. The Udasis is an order of Holy Men who follow the same practices as Buddhist, Hindus, and Jainism. They are celibate and wear a yellow coarse garment like Buddhist monks or go naked like Jain monks. They have one possession, a begging bowl and they are also poorly shaven (Hopfe 180). On the other hand, Sahajdaris are very reasonable and very clean- people. They reject the militancy of the Sikhs (Hopfe 192). The Singhs are just a break off of the Sikhs. Sikhs believe in God but they worship by Gurus (Richards 198). Guru means leader (Hopfe 189). They also believe in Guru Granith Sahib and other writing by the ten Gurus. They do not believe in any other religion, though (Richards 198). God is the creator, maintainer, and distructer who can not take human form (Philosophy). He appears only in spirit by believing and can not appear in human (Richards 198). Their five cardinal vices are Kam, or lust, Krodah, or anger, Lobh, or greed, Moh, or wordly attachment, and Ahankar, or pride (Philosophy). Some of their beliefs and vices are the same as Catholics. Sikhism doesn't really have any hierarchy that I could find but they do have certain positions. There are ten Gurus who would serve as our priest do, but now they worship what the Gurus taught and by the Scripture (Hopfe 189). Gurus were the leaders. (See pages seven for a listing of the ten Gurus.) Their first Guru who was chosen April 5, 1469, the day Sikhism formed was Guru Nanak, and the last Guru was Gobind Singh Dev from 1666 to 1708 when he died(Guru Nanak Dev). I did not find out why there are not any more Gurus. Gurus are the down face of the heavenly who provide leadership for humans (Philosophy). They still do have anniversaries for the Gurus which
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Project Based Learning for Special Education
Project Based Learning for Special Education Project-based learning is an excellent way to differentiate instruction in a full inclusion classroom especially when that class includes students of widely different abilities, from the cognitively or developmental disabled to the gifted children. Project-based learning is also excellent in resource rooms or self-contained classrooms with either typically developing partners or with sufficient support or accommodations. In projects: Science: Create a model of a concept, perhaps insects, and label each part.Reading: Create a television commercial or a web page to promote a book, one you have read together or one that the group has read in a literary circle.Social Studies: Create a play, a power point presentation, or display for a State (as in Michigan,) a country, a political system (socialism, capitalism, republic, etc.) or a political point of view.Math: Plan a trip to a preferred spot (Paris, Tokyo) and create a budget for hotels, flights, meals, etc. In each case the project may support any number of educational objectives: Reinforce Content Retention Project learning has proven, in research, to improve concept retention in a range of students. Deeper Understanding When students are asked to use content knowledge, they are driven to use higher level thinking skills (Blooms Taxonomy) such as Evaluate or Create. Multi-Sensory Instruction Students, not just students with disabilities, all come with different learning styles. Some are strongly visual learners, some are auditory. Some are kinetic and learn best when they can move. Many children benefit from sensory input, and students who are ADHD or Dyslexic benefit from being able to move as they process information. Teaches Skills in Cooperation and Collaboration Future jobs will require not only higher levels of training and technical skills but also the ability to work collaboratively in groups. Groups work well when they are chosen by both the teacher and the students: some groups could be affinity-based, others could be crossability, and some could be friendship based. Alternate Means of Assessing Students' Progress Using a rubric to lay out standards can put students of varying abilities on a level playing field. Student Engagement at its Best When students are excited about what they are doing in school, they will behave better, participate more fully and benefit the most. Project-based learning is a powerful tool for the inclusive classroom. Even if a student or students spend part of their day in a resource or self-contained classroom, the time they spend in project-based collaboration will be a time when typically developing peers will model both good classroom and academic behavior. Projects can enable gifted students to push their academic and intellectual limits. Projects are acceptable across abilities when they meet the criterion established in a rubric. Project-based learning also works well with small groups of students. Pictured above is the scale model of the solar system one of my students with Autism created with me: We figured out the scale together, measured the size of the planets, and measured the distances between the planets. He now knows the order of the planets, the difference between terrestrial and gaseous planets and can tell you why most planets are uninhabitable.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
James Thurber and Humor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
James Thurber and Humor - Essay Example Quality of humor is necessary for the best efficacy of comforting interactions, as humor allows for reframing of the problem in ways in which distressed individuals are unable to perceive thus aiming to make humor not only a comfort provider but also a healing promoter as well. Thurber has been a predominant literary figure in the genre of humor, satire and wit (Gottlieb, Robert). His letters have the remarkable natural style of easy flowing conversation, "They're the overflow of a professional writer" (Gottlieb). Thurber's professional background in journalism gave him the requisite training to turn out copious amounts of work for "The New Yorker", where he made his initial mark. His works besides talk pieces included several pieces of humor, however what came to dominate his works was a wistful look at his past, writing about whom were closer to him and memories associated with them. One of his noted achievements were his cartoons and drawings, and not to forget "Walter Mitty" - Walter Mitty is as well known as any other literary creation, so much so according to Gootlieb, Walter Mitty's character gives a name to an important human trait which we all posess. Thurber's letters cover the range of human emotions, he is outspoken as well as gentle - the letters give an unabashed look at Thurber's self. Thurber's letters, unfortunately are repetitive at times and at times lack the emphasis on important aspects of Thurber's life(Gottlieb). Although Thurber has been compared to Mark Twain (Pritchard, William H. October 2003), his published letters for want of editing fail to sparkle appropriately. He was driven by the "satirist's itch", (Pritchard) which made his writing from exhibiting dry humor to being biting and bitter as he come party to host of health issues, including a brain tumor. Laura Carroll has interpreted James Thurber's "My Life in Hard Times" using the vehicles of Freudian theory (Carroll, Laura, 101-103). Laura has presented the usage of humor to be analogous to Freud theory of ego and psychic other self, the instances of offering humorous offerings to the reader are taken apart and dissected whereas other instances of gaiety are treated as looking on one part of the self to the other. The treatment critiques the structure of James Thurber's work and gives insight for researcher or critical reader. Thurber successfully employs nostalgic reflection on his younger self, being bemused as if another entity is being watched, acting out the duo relationship between the Freudian ego and superego (Laura). Another aspect of humor is presented as a contrast to Thurber's by Rebecca Mead (Mead, Rebecca, Jan 2005). She traces the development of an online magazine "" exploring the lives of four friends who moved to New York City and started this venture. This magazine was started in 1999 and it focused on being a repository of jokes, emails and photographs that college graduates liked to share. This magazine became the focal point of college life, added on with and bits and pieces of multimedia dormitory content, rowdy images (like girls kissing or without their tops) and basically anything of what college kids think would Thurber 3 be funny. Student's attraction to "loud" humor has been prevalent since middle ages and this was exploited in this site famously. Rebecca compares Thurber's era of twenties and that contribution
Monday, February 3, 2020
Risk and Return Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Risk and Return Journal - Assignment Example This journal examines the importance of risk and returns balance (De Bondt and Werner, 1993). Investing in a risk-free portfolio leads to low or no return on investment. For example, an investment in risk-free government bonds yields slight returns on investments. Investors tend to increase their profits by venturing into riskier portfolios. Increasing income is the primary function of doing business, so it is necessary to venture into a substantial amount of risk to achieve this objective. Keeping this in mind it is necessary also to note that taking on a large risk does not necessarily guarantee high returns. There are two aspects of risk, first is the probability of loss on investment. For example, if an investment yields lower returns than expected. Then there is the possibility of earning more than what is. For instance waiting to get 11% return rate but getting a 13% return rate (Bailey, 1994). It is important to maintain a risk and return balance to reduce exposure to losses brought about by risk. When evaluating the risk and return balance, the investment period is arguably the most important factor to be. If the investment period is long, it is advisable to maintain a relatively higher risk tolerance level. If the investment period is short, an investor is advised to maintain a lower risk tolerance level. Another equally important factor is risk capital that is the amount of funds available to trade without affecting daily business operations. Having many risks capital gives one freedom to trade in high-risk investments. On the other hand, having a small amount of risk capital limits one’s freedom to sell in high-risk investments (Bailey, 1994). The amount of investment experience held is another important factor. Relatively new investors are not advised to commit significant sums of capital. However, experienced investors with enough knowledge on risk can invest
Sunday, January 26, 2020
History of the Development of Impedance Cardiography (ICG)
History of the Development of Impedance Cardiography (ICG) Review the history of the development of impedance cardiography (ICG) from its theoretical base and direct applications for non-invasive measurement of cardiac output, to its most recent applications in assisting CPR, in rate responsive pacemakers and its potential application in automatic electrical defibrillators (AEDs). Impedance Cardiology often called ICG, is a measure of change across the thoracic region of the body over the cardiac cycle. If there is high fluid volume and blood flow, a low impedance across the region is calculated. Impedance Cardiology is also used to measure blood flow in major vessels of the cardiac region from which stroke volume is obtained. A change of impedance can be useful in calculating stroke volume, cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance due to the fluid volume changing with every heart beat. Cardiac Output (CO) along with the concentration of haemoglobin and arterial oxygen saturation are the cornerstones in the movement of oxygen. Cardiac output can be used to confirm the usefulness of treatment or if treatment is required as it analyses the functional performance of the cardiovascular system. The measurement of cardiac output is important in cardiothoracic surgery. There are several different methods for calculating the cardiac output. Firstly there is invasive methods that are quite accurate however the use of these methods are usually limited to intensive care units. While using invasive techniques the loss of blood, risk of infection and other complications are usually a matter of concern which leads to a alternative method, that being a non-invasive technique. For example Impedance Cardiology (ICG) is a method that is used quite often as it is easily used, provides a continuous reading of the cardiac output measured and has a better accuracy than that of other non- invasive techniques that are available. Impedance Cardiology involves applying a current field across the thorax using a constant magnitude, high frequency and a low amplitude alternating current.  ¹ Bio-impedance is a non-invasive technique where the stroke volume is estimated based on the changing of impedance that occurs in the human arterial system during the cardiac cycle due to the constant change of blood volume. Cardiac output is a lot easier to measure by impedance cardiology compared to thermo dilution with a catheter interested in the pulmonary artery, as it can be applied quickly and easily. It also does not cause risk of blood loss, other complications or infection that would be carried with the arterial catheters. Invasive methods cannot monitor the cardiac output continuously whereas ICG will. Non-invasive techniques are the solution to all these problems. Cardiac output is calculated by multiplying the stroke volume by the heart rate. Stroke volume is the volume of blood that is pumped by the heart during every cardiac cycle. This means that measuring the differences in impedance gives an estimate of the changes in stroke volume. ¹ The American Heart Association (AHA) resuscitation guidelines stated the chest compressions are the main source of effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). A number of feedback devices have been developed to try to improve the efficiency of chest compressions, all of which improved guideline complaint CPR but did not improve the patients outcome. The ICG provides a non-invasive measure of the hemodynamic status of the body and is being investigated as another method of helping to improve CPR. This led to a study being set up Heartsine Technologies to investigate whether there was any relationship between compression depth, thrust and ICG amplitude during CPR. This also let a correlation between these to be established. The impedance cardiogram was recorded using 2 electrodes from defibrillation pads. The compression depth (cm), compression thrust (kg), end-tidal CO2 (kPa), systolic blood pressure (mmHg), carotid flow (ml/min) and cardiac output (L/min) were all measured at two minute intervals for each model (13 porcine models in total).  ² The results of the study showed that there is a strong correlation between the correlations achieved with compression depth, compression thrust and between ICG amplitude. The table below shows the results obtained in the study and shows the correlation between the three: The ICG measurement provides another measurement of CPR efficiency with physiological effects that are compared to chest compression depth and chest compression thrust. The results show that the ICG measurement could be used in the development of CPR feedback algorithms for AEDs (automated electrical defibrillators).  ² Improved impedance cardiogram measurement and recording methods have enabled their use in critical care of patients. Cromie reported that the use of both ICG recordings from two defibrillator pads , which is used to overcome the awkward application of using multiple electrodes and frequency analysis of the calculated derivative of the impedance signal (dZ/dt) which also provides information about circulatory arrest that occurs in the porcine model.  ³ He then reported an algorithm that was based on the ICG using the peak magnitude in a frequency range for detecting cardiac arrest. It was brought about that the frequency analysis by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in public access defibrillators (PAD) and automated electrical defibrillators (AEDs) would compromise its processing capabilities and the use of integer filters to calculate the frequency components was proposed. An algorithm that was only based on the impedance cardiogram that had been recorded through the use of two defibrillator pads, by using the strongest frequency and amplitude, could lead to a decrease in beginning CPR and could determine the circulatory arrest. Integer filters were used to analyse the frequency of the impedance cardiogram signal. Filters are lighter, simpler and a lot more adaptable when it comes to comparing with Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). This approach is more desirable as it limits the processing abilities of the devices that could compromise usability of the FFT, even though the approach is less accurate. The two techniques were compared with one another using 13 cases of cardiac arrest and 6 of normal controls. The best filters were used on this set and an algorithm that detects cardiac arrest was tested on a much wider set of data. The algorithm was then tested on a validation set and the ICG was recorded. It was tested on 132 cardiac arrest patients and 97 c ontrols. The results indicated that cardiac arrest using the algorithm had a sensitivity average of 81.1% with the samples ranging from 77.6-84.3%. The specificity of the validation set was 97.1% with the samples ranging from 96.7-97.4% at a 95% confidence limit. These results show that automated defibrillators with impedance cardiogram analysis has the potential to improve emergency care by enabling non qualified persons to carry out appropriate CPR and it can also improve the detection of cardiac arrest when the algorithm is combined with ECG analysis. ³ He then reported an algorithm that was based on the ICG using the peak magnitude in a frequency range for detecting cardiac arrest. It was brought about that the frequency analysis by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in public access defibrillators (PAD) and automated electrical defibrillators (AEDs) would compromise its processing capabilities and the use of integer filters to calculate the frequency components was proposed. The results of the frequency spectrum of the first order derivative of the impedance cardiogram (dZ/dt) recorded using the two defibrillator pads can be used as a marker to calculate circulatory collapse. The results obtained provide tools for the development of applications for the use of impedance cardiograms in defibrillators in emergency clinical practice. Automatic Electrical Defibrillators are available in public areas along with trained rescuers. AEDs that recognise circulatory arrest use a hemodynamic sensor together with algorithms based on ECGs, would aid in the management of collapsed patients where accurate, quick and critical decisions must be made.  ³
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Black Psychology
Divided Among two Different Views of the World: But this is my Story Michelle Williams Black Psychology Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Abstract: This is an autobiographical essay where I briefly analyzes and interpret significant and impactful events that has transpired over my last 20 years in my life from school to my community in Portland, Oregon. The objective of this essay is to connect concepts and the course objectives related to Black Psychology which I enrolled in at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) spring 2009 term.The outline for this essay is in a chronological age order starting from my birth in 1988 till my current experience at FAMU. The book that is mainly referenced in this essay is the Kobi K. Kambon textbook African/ Black Psychology in American Context: An African Centered Approach along with Joseph Baldwin’s class lectures that I attended. Divided Among two Different Views of the World: But this is my Story The idea tha t a black person is from Portland, Oregon seems to be shocking information for certain African-Americans.Once I introduce myself to new friends and professors who never traveled to Portland or were never informed that â€Å"Black people†live in Oregon. Many are intrigued by this information and have a quest to know more. So to answer that question, yes there are blacks who live in Oregon. I am a product of Oregon I, Michelle Williams, was born and raised in the urban community in Portland amongst other African-Americans. One may assume that I had a difficult time growing up in Oregon.Experiencing discrimination, racism, or identity crisis; however, my six siblings and I never did. Although, I did not experience those types of issues, I understood that in Portland, the Black race was the minority and Europeans were the majority in the race factor. In addition, do not assume that my family lineage only lines in Oregon, on both sides of my family southern roots run deep. Theref ore, southern traditions, values, morals, beliefs, and customs were inbreeded into my up brings.Without questions, I am an African-American woman from Portland, Oregon; however, my geographic region does not define my blackness, nor does it determine if I am capable of experiencing hardships like my fellow peers who were raised in Southern states. In my early childhood, I resided with my maternal grandmother due to my parent’s abuse to their environment and the use of narcotics. However, my time spent with my grandmother was not in vein, yet filled with years of observing and learning how to uphold traditional southern values, which the modern world of psychology considers the â€Å"African/ Black Worldviews†.In the book, African/ Black Psychology in the American context: An African- Centered Approach Kobi K. Kambon explains the difference between the African/ Black and European Worldviews. The four components that compose the worldviews are: cosmology, ontology, axiol ogy, and epistemology (Kambon, 1998) In the African/ African-American worldviews one are taught to believe in oneness/ harmony with nature, survival of the group, sameness; whereas the European Worldview have the notion of survival of the fittest, competiveness, independence, and uniqueness (being different).In my middle childhood my parents redirected their life, and my mother returned to college and obtained her bachelors and masters in Psychology with a minor in Black Studies at Portland State University. While in school she begun to incorporate her findings into her parenting. Although, my mother and I were led by Eurocentric teachings, my family and our surroundings reinforced the black/African-American Worldviews in the household. I recall myself adapting to the ideologies and beliefs of those who were not within my own indigenous cultural group.Kambon defines this experience as a black child who has been influenced by Eurocentric teachings resulting in â€Å"Abnormal Unnatur al Circumstances†. The child has accepted and identified him or herself as a member of a â€Å"group that is not indigenous cultural reality (Kambon, 1998). I was able to bounce back to the normal-nature circumstances, with the help of my Black community friends, and family through our morals and beliefs. I had to stay true to my own cultural reality and not be amongst those who are â€Å"cultural mis-identified†.An example of how I demonstrated abnormal unnatural circumstances was when I accepted the European philosophies and allowed the whites to dictate and define what was appropriate or correct based off their standards and views on life. By this I allowed the notion that white Barbie dolls are better, rather than the Black China Doll my grandmother purchased for Christmas one year. While in middle school, which is considered my late or pre-adolescence years, I was offered acceptance into the Talent and Gift also known as the TAG program.The TAG programs honors and congratulates students â€Å"who demonstrated outstanding abilities or potentials in areas of general intellectual ability or specific ability aptitude†(Davenport Community School Website). After discovering the truth in the Black Psychology course, I have come to the understanding that this particular program has several flaws that discriminates against the Black race. The black students who excel above the standards set for Blacks are called â€Å"Talented or Gifted†. In chapter eight it stated that â€Å"there was some Blacks who scored as high as Whites on Standard tests of so-called intelligence (i. research on Black â€Å"gifted†children)†(Kambon, 1998). The foundation of the Tag program continues and supports â€Å"White Supremacy†. The definition the European psychologist use to define intelligence which were examined on Caucasians only was: â€Å"(a) the repertoire of intellectual/cognitive skills and knowledge available to a person a t any one period of time, or (b) the aggregate of global capacity of the individual to act purposely, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his/her environment†(Kambon,1998).The names of a couple of exams that exemplified that one was intelligent were: The Alfred Binet and the Binet Test, also known as Intelligence Quotient/ IQ, Charles Spearman with the GS Factor test, and a few others (Kambon, 1998). Robert L. Williams the second National Chairman/ President of American of Black Psychologists (ABPsi) (Kambon, 1998), developed a â€Å"Black â€Å"cultural specific†intelligence test which demonstrated that Blacks could perform superiority to Whites on such a Black cultural based test.The test was called Black Intelligence Test for Cultural Homogeneity†formally known as â€Å"BITCH’. His intelligence test showcased that African-American students were out performing whites by 30 to 50 points (Kambon, 1998). In relations to my acceptance to th e TAG program I felt a sense of being privileged, superior, and connected to the white race in some sense. I belittled my peers who the Europeans and the test scored them as being underachievers. Through my actions I had continued on the European worldviews.The people see the good that the TAG program promotes; however, there are down sides and negative characteristics of being called a â€Å"Talented or Gifted†child. In my early adolescence years, I was considered at times a student who could be insubordinate, disrespectful, and disruptive in class. However, my actions were to challenge an question my teacher’s philosophy about Western History, colonization in Africa, slavery, and anything that focused on the Black race. Now looking back on what transpired in high school I was trying to discover the truth regarding my peoples.I tried to unravel the mess that the Europeans, Western historians, philosophers, and psychologist created. Removing the blind folds that had b een placed over my eyes through the European teachings; I was tired of receiving the edited, shorten, and beautified story the teachers and academic curriculum spoon-feed me every year during the one month Blacks are allowed to celebrate their history (February). I have come to accept that knowledge is key and discovered like John Henrik Clarke that, â€Å"African History/ Negro History are the missing pages of World History†(John Henrik Clarke, 1996).In chapter three of Kambon books, he explains this idea of cultural reality and worldviews construct, and how â€Å"ones thoughts beliefs, values and actions are not uniquely our own, distinct and separate from those of others, particularly other individuals†(Kambon, 119). In today’s society we accept as true that European’s set the standards or dictated/ guide one to believe that their ways of living and doing things are how things ought to be done; continues white supremacy.I am now in my third year at F AMU as a nursing major interested in psychology, following sibling’s footsteps of attending a Historical Black University. My journey in the Black Psychology has taught me new things about my personality and where I come from. In my opinion Oregon is a diverse and complex state. I had adopted and balanced the different worldviews. From my secondary education I have come to a new found knowledge about this Black Psychology and it’s striving for perfection in the Black communities.I have come to understand that my people are from the Southern or African Cradle, which developed before the Northern or European Cradle a model Diop (Kambon, 1998). I am from the lineage of infamous Pharaoh’s and Queens such as Narmar, Pharaoh and Queen who whore the red and white crown Hatshepsut (Abarry, 1996). For years information has been hidden and sheltered from my peers and I. Not only from the African descendents in Oregon, but from all of the descendents of Africa has that pop ulated the 50 states in America.I have learned that I am a descendant of great Queens and Kings and African’s who were educated, governed themselves, ran a successful economy that was developed in many aspects before the 1500’s when Europeans arrived. Ancient Kemit (KMT) and the Ma’at which is the foundation in which the KMT people lived by (Abarry, 1996). I have grown accustomed to both Western and this new psychology called â€Å"Black Psychology†. I am able to observe and fully understand and acknowledge the course objectives in Black Psychology because I have been in the ream of both worlds.My parents were educated and products of the early 60’s; where there was a large movement on civil rights and black psychologist making a change for the black community. Such as the Pan-African Cultural nationalism movement group who where â€Å"Black Psychologist who advocate that race and culture are the foundation of African self-identity and psychologic al well being†(Kambon, 1998). Black psychology has made tremendous accomplishments; they have challenged the ideals and ideologies of Western Psychology. Rather than being the blinded test mice used in Western Psychology, Black psychologist has made a mark in Psychology.There has been a creation of Psychology geared to the Blacks. They have developed an impressive editorial journal that comes out quarterly called The Journal of Black Psychology which has been around for about 35 years (Kambon, 1996). The members of the Association of Black Psychologist have overcome many obstacles that have been presented in front of them, and will continue to do so for following years to come (Kamon, 1998). I find that my mind was once held captive in a sense, before I entered college under Eurocentric teachings.I upheld the ideas of Eurocentric teachings, yet the status quo has changed; in favor for the Black Race, and my cognitive for that matter. In today’s society black children a re taught by a Eurocentric teaching, where there is a mis-education which manifests itself in the Eurocentric conceptual incarceration (Kambon, 1998). The portrait the European psychologists painted through their views and studies of the black race, personality, mental health, and behavioral problems have not reflected the Black people in anyway. On the contrary it has caused a separation between blacks.Those who believed in changing the psychology world for the black race have succeeded at founding its place and did not allow the standards set by Western Psychology to be the foundation for Black Psychology (Kambon, 1996). Today the black’s can see the ‘great depth of the Eurocentric cultural incarceration that encapsulates African intellectual consciousness and scholarship. †(Kambon,1998). Which has caused a developmental problem of the knowledge of the African/ black race. From the motivation of Francis Cecil Sumner, Herman G. Canady, Robert L. Williams, Marcus Gravey, Nat Turners, W.E. B Dubois, Frances Cress Welsing, and the thousands of members of the Association of Black Psychology, there is a psychology that focuses on the black community which is not defined by the Western Psychology standards. It is up to students like me to utilize the essential tools from courses like Black Psychology, and turn a deaf ear to the myths and misleading information that the Western Psychology once succeeded at incarcerating. This was my experience from growing up in Portland, Oregon and making a much need journey to Florida A&M University which landed me a seat in Dr.Joseph Baldwin course Black Psychology. References Abarry, S. , Asante, M. ,(1996). African intellectual Heritiage. Philadelphia, PA: Temple Press A Great and Might Walk. Dir. St. Claire Bourne. Perf. Wesley Snipes John Henrik Clarke. 1996. Bourne, C. [Westley Snipes] (1996): Los Angles Davenport Community School Website. (1998, Aug). Retrieved Mar. 09, 2009, from http://www. davenport. k12. ia. us/curriculum/gifted. asp Kambon, K. (1998). African/ black psychology in the american context: an african- centered approach. Tallahassee, Fl: Nubian Nation Publication Black Psychology Divided Among two Different Views of the World: But this is my Story Michelle Williams Black Psychology Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Abstract: This is an autobiographical essay where I briefly analyzes and interpret significant and impactful events that has transpired over my last 20 years in my life from school to my community in Portland, Oregon. The objective of this essay is to connect concepts and the course objectives related to Black Psychology which I enrolled in at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) spring 2009 term.The outline for this essay is in a chronological age order starting from my birth in 1988 till my current experience at FAMU. The book that is mainly referenced in this essay is the Kobi K. Kambon textbook African/ Black Psychology in American Context: An African Centered Approach along with Joseph Baldwin’s class lectures that I attended. Divided Among two Different Views of the World: But this is my Story The idea tha t a black person is from Portland, Oregon seems to be shocking information for certain African-Americans.Once I introduce myself to new friends and professors who never traveled to Portland or were never informed that â€Å"Black people†live in Oregon. Many are intrigued by this information and have a quest to know more. So to answer that question, yes there are blacks who live in Oregon. I am a product of Oregon I, Michelle Williams, was born and raised in the urban community in Portland amongst other African-Americans. One may assume that I had a difficult time growing up in Oregon.Experiencing discrimination, racism, or identity crisis; however, my six siblings and I never did. Although, I did not experience those types of issues, I understood that in Portland, the Black race was the minority and Europeans were the majority in the race factor. In addition, do not assume that my family lineage only lines in Oregon, on both sides of my family southern roots run deep. Theref ore, southern traditions, values, morals, beliefs, and customs were inbreeded into my up brings.Without questions, I am an African-American woman from Portland, Oregon; however, my geographic region does not define my blackness, nor does it determine if I am capable of experiencing hardships like my fellow peers who were raised in Southern states. In my early childhood, I resided with my maternal grandmother due to my parent’s abuse to their environment and the use of narcotics. However, my time spent with my grandmother was not in vein, yet filled with years of observing and learning how to uphold traditional southern values, which the modern world of psychology considers the â€Å"African/ Black Worldviews†.In the book, African/ Black Psychology in the American context: An African- Centered Approach Kobi K. Kambon explains the difference between the African/ Black and European Worldviews. The four components that compose the worldviews are: cosmology, ontology, axiol ogy, and epistemology (Kambon, 1998) In the African/ African-American worldviews one are taught to believe in oneness/ harmony with nature, survival of the group, sameness; whereas the European Worldview have the notion of survival of the fittest, competiveness, independence, and uniqueness (being different).In my middle childhood my parents redirected their life, and my mother returned to college and obtained her bachelors and masters in Psychology with a minor in Black Studies at Portland State University. While in school she begun to incorporate her findings into her parenting. Although, my mother and I were led by Eurocentric teachings, my family and our surroundings reinforced the black/African-American Worldviews in the household. I recall myself adapting to the ideologies and beliefs of those who were not within my own indigenous cultural group.Kambon defines this experience as a black child who has been influenced by Eurocentric teachings resulting in â€Å"Abnormal Unnatur al Circumstances†. The child has accepted and identified him or herself as a member of a â€Å"group that is not indigenous cultural reality (Kambon, 1998). I was able to bounce back to the normal-nature circumstances, with the help of my Black community friends, and family through our morals and beliefs. I had to stay true to my own cultural reality and not be amongst those who are â€Å"cultural mis-identified†.An example of how I demonstrated abnormal unnatural circumstances was when I accepted the European philosophies and allowed the whites to dictate and define what was appropriate or correct based off their standards and views on life. By this I allowed the notion that white Barbie dolls are better, rather than the Black China Doll my grandmother purchased for Christmas one year. While in middle school, which is considered my late or pre-adolescence years, I was offered acceptance into the Talent and Gift also known as the TAG program.The TAG programs honors and congratulates students â€Å"who demonstrated outstanding abilities or potentials in areas of general intellectual ability or specific ability aptitude†(Davenport Community School Website). After discovering the truth in the Black Psychology course, I have come to the understanding that this particular program has several flaws that discriminates against the Black race. The black students who excel above the standards set for Blacks are called â€Å"Talented or Gifted†. In chapter eight it stated that â€Å"there was some Blacks who scored as high as Whites on Standard tests of so-called intelligence (i. research on Black â€Å"gifted†children)†(Kambon, 1998). The foundation of the Tag program continues and supports â€Å"White Supremacy†. The definition the European psychologist use to define intelligence which were examined on Caucasians only was: â€Å"(a) the repertoire of intellectual/cognitive skills and knowledge available to a person a t any one period of time, or (b) the aggregate of global capacity of the individual to act purposely, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his/her environment†(Kambon,1998).The names of a couple of exams that exemplified that one was intelligent were: The Alfred Binet and the Binet Test, also known as Intelligence Quotient/ IQ, Charles Spearman with the GS Factor test, and a few others (Kambon, 1998). Robert L. Williams the second National Chairman/ President of American of Black Psychologists (ABPsi) (Kambon, 1998), developed a â€Å"Black â€Å"cultural specific†intelligence test which demonstrated that Blacks could perform superiority to Whites on such a Black cultural based test.The test was called Black Intelligence Test for Cultural Homogeneity†formally known as â€Å"BITCH’. His intelligence test showcased that African-American students were out performing whites by 30 to 50 points (Kambon, 1998). In relations to my acceptance to th e TAG program I felt a sense of being privileged, superior, and connected to the white race in some sense. I belittled my peers who the Europeans and the test scored them as being underachievers. Through my actions I had continued on the European worldviews.The people see the good that the TAG program promotes; however, there are down sides and negative characteristics of being called a â€Å"Talented or Gifted†child. In my early adolescence years, I was considered at times a student who could be insubordinate, disrespectful, and disruptive in class. However, my actions were to challenge an question my teacher’s philosophy about Western History, colonization in Africa, slavery, and anything that focused on the Black race. Now looking back on what transpired in high school I was trying to discover the truth regarding my peoples.I tried to unravel the mess that the Europeans, Western historians, philosophers, and psychologist created. Removing the blind folds that had b een placed over my eyes through the European teachings; I was tired of receiving the edited, shorten, and beautified story the teachers and academic curriculum spoon-feed me every year during the one month Blacks are allowed to celebrate their history (February). I have come to accept that knowledge is key and discovered like John Henrik Clarke that, â€Å"African History/ Negro History are the missing pages of World History†(John Henrik Clarke, 1996).In chapter three of Kambon books, he explains this idea of cultural reality and worldviews construct, and how â€Å"ones thoughts beliefs, values and actions are not uniquely our own, distinct and separate from those of others, particularly other individuals†(Kambon, 119). In today’s society we accept as true that European’s set the standards or dictated/ guide one to believe that their ways of living and doing things are how things ought to be done; continues white supremacy.I am now in my third year at F AMU as a nursing major interested in psychology, following sibling’s footsteps of attending a Historical Black University. My journey in the Black Psychology has taught me new things about my personality and where I come from. In my opinion Oregon is a diverse and complex state. I had adopted and balanced the different worldviews. From my secondary education I have come to a new found knowledge about this Black Psychology and it’s striving for perfection in the Black communities.I have come to understand that my people are from the Southern or African Cradle, which developed before the Northern or European Cradle a model Diop (Kambon, 1998). I am from the lineage of infamous Pharaoh’s and Queens such as Narmar, Pharaoh and Queen who whore the red and white crown Hatshepsut (Abarry, 1996). For years information has been hidden and sheltered from my peers and I. Not only from the African descendents in Oregon, but from all of the descendents of Africa has that pop ulated the 50 states in America.I have learned that I am a descendant of great Queens and Kings and African’s who were educated, governed themselves, ran a successful economy that was developed in many aspects before the 1500’s when Europeans arrived. Ancient Kemit (KMT) and the Ma’at which is the foundation in which the KMT people lived by (Abarry, 1996). I have grown accustomed to both Western and this new psychology called â€Å"Black Psychology†. I am able to observe and fully understand and acknowledge the course objectives in Black Psychology because I have been in the ream of both worlds.My parents were educated and products of the early 60’s; where there was a large movement on civil rights and black psychologist making a change for the black community. Such as the Pan-African Cultural nationalism movement group who where â€Å"Black Psychologist who advocate that race and culture are the foundation of African self-identity and psychologic al well being†(Kambon, 1998). Black psychology has made tremendous accomplishments; they have challenged the ideals and ideologies of Western Psychology. Rather than being the blinded test mice used in Western Psychology, Black psychologist has made a mark in Psychology.There has been a creation of Psychology geared to the Blacks. They have developed an impressive editorial journal that comes out quarterly called The Journal of Black Psychology which has been around for about 35 years (Kambon, 1996). The members of the Association of Black Psychologist have overcome many obstacles that have been presented in front of them, and will continue to do so for following years to come (Kamon, 1998). I find that my mind was once held captive in a sense, before I entered college under Eurocentric teachings.I upheld the ideas of Eurocentric teachings, yet the status quo has changed; in favor for the Black Race, and my cognitive for that matter. In today’s society black children a re taught by a Eurocentric teaching, where there is a mis-education which manifests itself in the Eurocentric conceptual incarceration (Kambon, 1998). The portrait the European psychologists painted through their views and studies of the black race, personality, mental health, and behavioral problems have not reflected the Black people in anyway. On the contrary it has caused a separation between blacks.Those who believed in changing the psychology world for the black race have succeeded at founding its place and did not allow the standards set by Western Psychology to be the foundation for Black Psychology (Kambon, 1996). Today the black’s can see the ‘great depth of the Eurocentric cultural incarceration that encapsulates African intellectual consciousness and scholarship. †(Kambon,1998). Which has caused a developmental problem of the knowledge of the African/ black race. From the motivation of Francis Cecil Sumner, Herman G. Canady, Robert L. Williams, Marcus Gravey, Nat Turners, W.E. B Dubois, Frances Cress Welsing, and the thousands of members of the Association of Black Psychology, there is a psychology that focuses on the black community which is not defined by the Western Psychology standards. It is up to students like me to utilize the essential tools from courses like Black Psychology, and turn a deaf ear to the myths and misleading information that the Western Psychology once succeeded at incarcerating. This was my experience from growing up in Portland, Oregon and making a much need journey to Florida A&M University which landed me a seat in Dr.Joseph Baldwin course Black Psychology. References Abarry, S. , Asante, M. ,(1996). African intellectual Heritiage. Philadelphia, PA: Temple Press A Great and Might Walk. Dir. St. Claire Bourne. Perf. Wesley Snipes John Henrik Clarke. 1996. Bourne, C. [Westley Snipes] (1996): Los Angles Davenport Community School Website. (1998, Aug). Retrieved Mar. 09, 2009, from http://www. davenport. k12. ia. us/curriculum/gifted. asp Kambon, K. (1998). African/ black psychology in the american context: an african- centered approach. Tallahassee, Fl: Nubian Nation Publication
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